Kefentse Dennis - Management Co-ordinator

1.   What impact do you think the Green Party’s eco-socialist
policies have had on the party’s growth and how can that be sustained?


Currently I don't think it can be sustained because our policies and our structures have been around since the 1980s and 1990s much has not changed. We need a bit more of a top-down system in order to grow true capacity and to be truly transparent with our members cause at the moment, we're just a federation of local Green parties. This need for growth accountability and transparency means there needs to be someone at the top overseeing all this making sure that we're moving uniformly in place to create a better party.   

2. The recent Tory by-election defeats suggest the electorate are
making their own decisions on strategic voting. How can the Green
Party intervene to turn that to its advantage?


Firstly, I think we need to have a strategy for when a by-election actually happens because for years and years and years the Green Party is as a national party is not helped the local party unless it already happens to be a target list.


Secondly, we need to have a serious look at our financial resources when it comes to our political strategy either we need to reduce the targets constituencies were going for to fit our budget or we need to massively increase our budget for our target constituency aims. 



3. What would be your priorities for campaigns outside election
periods that would raise our profile in communities, engage our
members and attract new ones? How could that be financed?


Diversifying TTW strategy in going to those areas where we go where Black and Brown people live.  Also make sure that our engagement with the communities is not just solely politically based,  we have events with them where they're just fun social times so when we don't even need them to vote for us, we just need to be there for them and create a genuine relationship. 


 The terms of financing we have to make sure that all local parties have a sufficient and competent fundraising officer who has been trained and knows what they're doing either by external powers or by national green party training. 



4.  How can the Party improve the way it communicates its policies
to the BAME and white working class?


Firstly, the party needs to stop being institutionally racist. 


Secondly, we have the tools in place to do this it's just that this is paralysing fear seemingly amongst White, middle-class people to go to those Black and Brown areas especially in places like London,  Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool etcetera. We need to make sure that every local party is proactively looking to diversify and where there isn't any diversity to look for then we need to make sure that your social class is being diversified as much as possible by reaching out to those white traditional working fast people.


5. Should the Green Party review its policy on NATO in the light
of the current conflict in Ukraine and what would be your approach?


I think we need to be bold and outspoken when it comes to the Russia and Ukraine crisis, we can't be running away from our policy to disband NATO,  this doesn't just mean picking sides, it means telling the whole picture and looking at the nuances. We can't be afraid to do that,  we can both help with the Ukraine refugee crisis or at the same time talk about the attempted coup that happened in Ukraine back 2014 and how currently Russia is actually benefiting whilst the West is suffering firm the war. We need to bring accuracy.

6. The 24 hours news cycle means that contributions from our
spokespeople have to be rapid if they are to be given media space. How
can we manage that whilst maintaining democratic accountability?


Due to the fact that it is GPEx and not the membership that votes in a new spokesperson, it is important that accountability is held by GPEx. Any sort of actions that they take or being said there needs to be trusted that the spokesperson is the right person for the job and knows what they're talking about and can be given a little bit of autonomy in order to express their expertise. Any breaching of the code of conduct needs to swiftly dealt with GPEx.


7. Given that some Government policies such as privatisation and
reducing rights are a thread crossing different sectors how can
spokespeople cooperate on our overall messaging to ensure this is


 It is paramount that all our spokespersons are able to address any sort of topic or issue that affects their particular area. This can include cross collaboration if the issue is multifaceted.  At the moment spokespeople are not given the true platform that they deserve in order to make videos and speak about particular topics. They need to be the people that media will go to when speaking about a particular view of the Green Party on a particular topic



8.  How would you raise the international relevance and profile of the GPEW?


We need to make sure that our international coordinator and the international committee is running smoothly and robustly making sure that our connections are going beyond European greens and making sure that we are having true international connections with the global greens again meaning increasing the diversity of our committee.  This means resources being given to the international committee. 


9. The Green Party has recently encountered difficulties in
maintaining a respectful and comradely debate on issues where there
has been sharp disagreement. What would be your approach to improving
the atmosphere in which these debates take place?


Firstly, I'll scrap our complaints process because it needs overhauling as it's used to weaponize for years and years in Islam due to this no-fault suspension.


Secondary, I would bring in a mediation mechanism where people who have in a disagreement whether in person or online can air their grievances before we start the disciplinary process, which this point we can check for actual evidence of breaking code of conduct. 


Lastly,  I would have a Triage service where every complaint is filtered through by severity,  any severe complaints would be dealt with quickly ends A lesser complaints would be given less priority. 


10. How can we ensure a level playing field in internal elections
when some candidates have the advantage of access to a national
platform and networks?


We need to have a system in place where lesser-known candidates with less influence and power can be given the use of staff members for their own campaigns, his would include making videos making graphics setting up emails and navigating fruit action network.  If at the time staff resources are tight then having an easy-to-use, and ready templates for graphics, videos and emails would also be a great substitute template in place.




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Links to candidates' answers to Green Left questions

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